As a transformational leader it is important to lead by example, be open for feedback, create diversity and inclusion, and stimulate innovation by creating an environment where people can collaborate and inspire each other.”
As part of the LaNubia strategy we are building a dream team and create an inspirational environment where personal development and collaboration are the main drivers. To support this mission, we have started a collaboration with RSM during the Living Management Project to have two team of students working on strategic initiatives to help us through the transition from a Start-up to a Scale-up.
We are thankful that we had the opportunity to work with a group of talented and ambitious students supporting our vision and have transformational discussions to prepare LaNubia for the future. The teams did a great job and on Friday the 3rdof July they had their final presentation and we are, as LaNubia Consulting, confident to start the implementation of their proposals and advices.
We want to thank all the students for their great work and a special thanks to the Rotterdam School of Management for the support and guidance during the LMP.