Why Technology implementation often fails

LaNubia Business Consulting helps companies transform their business with new technology, while keeping employees informed and motivated to adopt the new way of working. Rigo Selassa, founder and Managing Director from LaNubia Consulting and former OneMBA RSM student explains what the MBA has done for him both personally and business wise. “As a specialist, you […]
Digital Transformation during and after COVID-19

Written by Shiraz Hussain and Fehmina Choudhry The outbreak of Covid-19 is a tragedy and its socio-economic impact is huge. We are all facing the wrath of it one way or the other. It has already forced companies to re-imagine the fundamental way in which they do business. The buzz word “Digital Transformation” now appears […]

The business case for change management. We are in times of change. Especially with COVID-19 forcing many companies to consider different operating models, business transformation has taken a front-seat in the way in which companies do business. Businesses are moving their operations from bricks and mortar buildings to digital working environments by putting in place […]
Change is the only constant

The current crisis is an example of the VUCA world we live in. VUCA is a term coined in late 1980s by the US Army to classify military threats as volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. The business environment and society are experiencing VUCA conditions more than ever before and those will only amplify in the […]